Tuesday 30 June 2015

Ginger Lily Plant

The beautiful Ginger Lily also called garland flower belongs to the genus Hedychium of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae). There are about 52 species in the tropical and subtropical regions in the east. Their rhizomes (underground stems) are ginger like, that is fleshly with a yellow bluish interior. The Ginger lily leaves are rich green above and bluish on the underside, and can grow to approximately two (2) feet in length. The species Hedychium green's leaves are dark green on the topside and red on the underside. They are sweetly scented flowers that grow in a spirally arranged cluster. The Ginger Lily is strikingly beautiful and appears in colors such as white, yellow, pink, orange and red. The Ginger lily plants are prized for the floral shows atop bold foliage stalks. They thrive best in partial or direct sunlight, rich moist but well-drained soils. Due to their many species, their flowers grow in all different shapes and sizes.

Monday 29 June 2015

The Coleus Plant

The Coleus Plant or Coleus Blumei also known as Jacob's coat, painted nettle or poor man's croton, is one of the easiest plants to grow.  They can be grown from seeds or plant cuttings.  The coleus require fertile, well drained soil and usually thrive best in partially shaded areas. There are many varieties though, that can tolerate direct sunlight. These beauties can grow rapidly. Coleus grown in plants pots or containers require more frequent wetting than those planted in the ground. They can be given a boost of half-strength liquid fertilizer to keep them strong and healthy, These beautiful plants have some of the most stunningly colored foliage in combinations of green, yellow, pink,red, maroon and more. The Coleus have a wide variety of leaf sizes and overall shapes and are famous for bringing gardens alive with their bright vivid colors.Over wetting the coleus can do more harm than good and they are susceptible to cold temperatures.For more information see facebook page

Sunday 28 June 2015

The Key Lime Plant

Did you know that the Key Lime plant can be grown out of a plant pot and grow fruits? Mexican Key Lime (Citrus auranlifolia), also known as Key Lime, bartender's lime and West Indians Lime is a moderately sized evergreen fruit tree. It grows vigorously once you plant it in the ground, reaching heights of six to thirteen feet tall. Mexican Key Lime trees have fragrant flowers with deep green leaves and yellow-green limes, which are the size of a golf ball\s.
Mexican key limes are the preferred fruit used by bartenders and pie bakers around the world, Key Lime trees are sensitive to cold temperatures. They thrive best in direct sunlight and can be grown in a variety of soils as long as it is well drained. When growing Key Lime trees, water them deeply and slowly so the moisture reaches deep into the soil. The Mexican Key Lime tree can be fertilized with a slow-release fertilizer that is high in nitrogen. For more information please visit the facebook page.

Saturday 27 June 2015

The Umbrella plant -

The Umbrella tree is one of the most common indoor potted plants which can grow to a height of about six feet. It is also commonly known as the Hawaiian Umbrella tree, Dwarf Umbrella tree or the Queensland Umbrella tree.The Umbrella tree is a multi trunk plant, that has to be carefully planted due to its invasive nature and can be seen as a weed in certain places. The Umbrella tree is a beautiful ornamental tree that is easy to grow. There are three main varieties available including variegated, plain green leaf and the schefflera arboricola.The Umbrella plant usually has more than one trunk with multiple branches displaying palmate compound  wholed finger like leaves numbering between four  to twelve leaflets or more, giving it an umbrella like appearance.The glossy leaflets are near oval shaped and a few inches long and a couple of inched wide. Caution is advised when pets are around, since the Umbrella tree is mildly toxic when ingested by cats and dogs , and can cause them to become ill. For more information please view facebook page .

Friday 26 June 2015

The Bismarck Palm

The Bismarck Palm or Bismarckia Nobilis is a beautiful silver-blue  palm tree that has a stunning beauty. Its large silver-blue fan palm leaves can be seen from great distances upon maturity. This  palm is a native to Madagascar and can tolerate a wide variety of weather conditions including fairly dry to hot climates. There is only one species with this genus. The Bismarck Palm is a slow growing, single trunk fan palm that can grow up to 60 feet tall. The trunk is straight, tan or brown in color and usually smooth. The leaves of the Bismarck can number anywhere from 15 to 30 and is typically blue , green or silver in color and slightly arched. The leaves span can be anywhere from 8 to 10 feet in width and have approximately 20 to 30 divisions. The root of the Bismarck is very sensitive and if significantly damaged, can kill  the plant, which means a lot of care must be taken when transplanting.

Thursday 25 June 2015

Philodendron Selloum -

The Philodendron Bipinnalifidum is a plant that belongs to the Araceae and Subgenus Meconostigma family. The commonly used name is Philodendron Selloum. The Selloum plant is originally from South America. It can grow both indoors and outdoors. This easily maintained self-heading plant has dark green, shiny leaves that are deeply lobed. It grows a trunk when matured, that is usually hidden by the huge drooping leaves. Although the Selloum is a beautiful addition to any landscape, it is very poisonous. Caution is advised when pets and small children are around. The Philodendron Selloum thrives best in indirect sunlight. In less light, the plant's leaves tend to be darker. If exposed to too much direct sunlight, the Salloum's leaves will exhibit burns or fades. This plant thrives best in moist but not soggy soil and can be fertilized with a water-soluble fertilizer once monthly.
For additional information, please view facebook page.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

The Rubber Plant

What is one of the easiest, low maintenance plants to grow? The Rubber plant.
The Rubber Plant or Ficus Elastica is a popular ornamental plant from the Ficus Genus. It thrives best in bright or indirect sunlight, requires a moderate amount of watering and well drained soil. It is one of the easiest indoor plants to be grown and requires very little maintenance. The popular rubber plants are the Ficus elastica decora, which has shiny leather like leave that often grows to  a foot long. The Ficus Elastica robusta, which has longer leaves than the decora and  Ficus Elastica Black Prince or burgundy which has near black reddish leaves. Once the rubber plant begins to mature and grow in height, it is common to train and support the trunk and branches by staking or tying them back to keep them growing upright. Over wetting and moving around the plant too much can do it more harm than good.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Hosta Plant

Hostas are valued for their foliage, they come in many varieties and colors that range from whites, pale green and blues.Hosta can come in small and large leaf types and the leaves range from crinkly to smooth texture.They thrive all year round in all seasons , and outdoors especially next to tall shady trees. The Hosta plant looks great in groupings and are  an excellent choice for shady porches.They are the perfect low maintenance  perennials that enhance and beautify your gardens.These perennial  can range in size from 2 inches to 4 feet tall, grow in shady areas and also in partial sun. Hosta roots crowd out the roots of weeds, which make them a good choice for ground cover.
How can you use the Hosta plants to add color to you garden? Since these plants come in different colors, which are whites, pale green and blue, they can be planted next to crouton  plants which have, vivid bright red colors to add colors that brighten -up your garden.

Monday 22 June 2015

Asparagus Fern

What is the name of the hanging plants that give your surroundings that rich, beautiful look? It is the Asparagus Fern also known as the 'Asparagus densiflorous 'Sprengeri". This fern makes great hanging baskets both indoors and outdoors.They exhibit a fluffy. crisp green, needle like foliage that add a 'kick; to any decor. The Asparagus fern thrives best in a partial shaded area and moderate soil, which helps it maintain its dark rich color.. This fern is extremely easy to grow and is adaptable to a wide range of climate and soil conditions. Over wetting can cause the leaves to tune yellow then brown, which is a clear indication that the amount of water given to the plant should be adjusted downwards.Fertilizing once monthly maintains the health and beauty of the plant. Unlike most ferns the Sprengeri is more likely to produce white flowers, followed by bright red berries.

Sunday 21 June 2015

The Norfolk Island Pine

Pines are conifer trees in the family Pinaceae. Norfolk Island Pine, also known as (Araucana heterophylla) is the same frilly, pretty, little tree sold as an indoor decor during the festive season. 
Did you know that researchers have suggested that the Pine needle tea could assist with health problems such as colds, flu, obesity, bladder, and kidney issued?
Did you know that the Norfolk Island Pine could be dangerous to most household pets such as dogs, cats, and birds? This plant is great for indoors since it could be placed in small pots, and be placed on table-top or countertops to brighten up living spaces. The Norfolk Island Pine make great landscaping plants, however, should not be planted close to a house, since these trees can grow very tall, a topple in high winds causing harm to householders.

Saturday 20 June 2015

Shady Lady Black Olive Tree

The Black Olive is a moderate grower that can reach up to thirty feet in height.This evergreen beauty is salt tolerant and thrives best in direct sunlight. Its branches have small spines that can prick your fingers, so it is suggested that protective gear be worn when handling this plant. Each tree is unique and grows differently. The foliage often grows into an irregular oval shape, with tops and shoots growing out in odd directions.During the dry season the tree is covered with tiny yellow beige flowers, giving the tree the look of a pale brown sugar frosting. Watering the black olive on a daily basis helps maintain it beauty and health. The Black Olive is a resilient plants that can withstand most weather conditions, it can be placed indoors or outdoors in order to enhance the beauty of the surroundings.
This is a hardy plant that require fertilizing only three times a year.

Friday 19 June 2015

The Golden Spider Lily

What is a lily?A lily is a bulbous plant with a large trumpet-shaped, typically fragrant flowers on a tall slender stem. This plant hardly fits the description of a lily, however the beautiful flowers that emanate from the golden spider lily do justice to its name. The golden spider lily also known as Crinum Xanthophyllun is a fast growing herbaceous plant that requires more attention to watering than its exposure to the sun. It thrives best when watered in the morning slowly and deeply which assist the water to soak in deeper and helps avoid promoting disease. Overwatering can cause root problems. Fertilizing can be done once every 2 months or less. Where can golder spider lilies be placed in or around buildings to enhance its decor. Due to its resilience and yellow and green fire beauty, the golden spider lily could be placed almost anywhere to brighten-up a building or be applied to the land scape.

Thursday 18 June 2015

The Red Stem Palm

What is a great plant to enhance your ambience? Why not try the beautiful Red Stem Palm or commonly known as Red Sealing Wax Palm (Crytostachys renda). It is popular for it's exuberant colours- vivid red trunks with contrasting deep green crown of feather fronds. The red stem palm is a slow growing plant that thrives best in a moderately shaded area, it should be placed in a high sand content and well drained soil. The red stem plant tolerates flooding well and can grow in standing water, as its native habitat is peat swamp forest. It can also tolerate cold temperatures and periods of drought. This plant is in high demand for gardening and landscaping projects and because of difficulty propagating them, has been offered  for sale at high prices. 
Where can the red stem plant be placed in your building to uplift its decor? The answer is "almost anywhere", because of its resilient nature..

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Ficus - Weeping Fig Plant

What is a Ficus? The Ficus is a genus of about 850 species of woody trees, shrubs, vines, epiphytes and hemiepiphyte in the family Moraceae. The Ficus is one of the most popular plants suitable for growing as ornamental house plants.( Also known as Ficus Benjamina)
How is the Ficus cared for and maintained? The above Ficus is one of the more popular indoor trees that grows slowly and requires only light watering, and a fast draining soil-less mix.. Over watering and under watering can cause the leaves to drop. This plant thrives best in direct sunlight and can be lightly fertilized once every three months. The ficus is flexible and can be pruned to the size that fits its indoor living space.
The Ficus is one of the best plants that can be used indoors in order to improve air quality. How can you use the Ficus to improve your environment? For more information call 1868 784-6402

Tuesday 16 June 2015

The Areca Palm

The Areca Palm belongs to the family of 'Arecaceae' which is commonly known as ' Golden Cane Palm' and' Butterfly Palm', which is scientifically known as 'Dypsis Lutescens' and 'Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens'. The Areca Palm is an ideal plant for both indoors and outdoors, it has multiple stems and leaves which allows the palm to look full, bright and beautiful. Areca Palms thrives best when exposed to direct sunlight, nutritious soil, a moderate amount of water and a good drainage system. Excess water or too little could be damaging to the plant's health and growth. A small amount of fertilizer bi-monthly also helps maintain the growth of the palm. The Golden Cane Palm is commonly used to 'brighten-up' events such as weddings. anniversaries, graduations and many more celebrations. How can this Areca Palm brighten up your environment? For more information call 1868-784-6402

Monday 15 June 2015

Precious Plants Trinidad - Clean the Air with green

Welcome to Precious Plants Trinidad.
 Plants are multicellular eukaryotes of the kingdom Plantae. There are over 300 thousand known species of plants which includes green algae, moss, flowering plants, conifers, gymnosperms, ferns, liverworts, club mosses and hornworts.
Did you know, that overcrowded and poorly ventilated classrooms can disrupt children's concentration and retard their progress?
In today's polluted air environment, what kind of plants could be used in offices, schools or homes to improve room air quality?
One study in the United States named spider plants as the most effective. Dragon trees, ivy, rubber plants, peace lillies, and yuccas are also very good in eliminating air pollutants. Houseplants reduce the level of  carbon dioxide by converting it into oxygen.