Friday 26 June 2015

The Bismarck Palm

The Bismarck Palm or Bismarckia Nobilis is a beautiful silver-blue  palm tree that has a stunning beauty. Its large silver-blue fan palm leaves can be seen from great distances upon maturity. This  palm is a native to Madagascar and can tolerate a wide variety of weather conditions including fairly dry to hot climates. There is only one species with this genus. The Bismarck Palm is a slow growing, single trunk fan palm that can grow up to 60 feet tall. The trunk is straight, tan or brown in color and usually smooth. The leaves of the Bismarck can number anywhere from 15 to 30 and is typically blue , green or silver in color and slightly arched. The leaves span can be anywhere from 8 to 10 feet in width and have approximately 20 to 30 divisions. The root of the Bismarck is very sensitive and if significantly damaged, can kill  the plant, which means a lot of care must be taken when transplanting.


  1. The Bismarck Palm is one of the most beautiful plants I have ever seen, that is why I own one today.

  2. Replies
    1. The Bismarck should be planted in a location so as to avoid people bumping into its rigid leaves.
