Monday 29 June 2015

The Coleus Plant

The Coleus Plant or Coleus Blumei also known as Jacob's coat, painted nettle or poor man's croton, is one of the easiest plants to grow.  They can be grown from seeds or plant cuttings.  The coleus require fertile, well drained soil and usually thrive best in partially shaded areas. There are many varieties though, that can tolerate direct sunlight. These beauties can grow rapidly. Coleus grown in plants pots or containers require more frequent wetting than those planted in the ground. They can be given a boost of half-strength liquid fertilizer to keep them strong and healthy, These beautiful plants have some of the most stunningly colored foliage in combinations of green, yellow, pink,red, maroon and more. The Coleus have a wide variety of leaf sizes and overall shapes and are famous for bringing gardens alive with their bright vivid colors.Over wetting the coleus can do more harm than good and they are susceptible to cold temperatures.For more information see facebook page


  1. This is probably the only plant that I actually enjoy seeing pink on.

  2. This picture reminds me of candy

  3. This picture reminds me of candy

  4. This picture reminds me of candy
