Saturday 20 June 2015

Shady Lady Black Olive Tree

The Black Olive is a moderate grower that can reach up to thirty feet in height.This evergreen beauty is salt tolerant and thrives best in direct sunlight. Its branches have small spines that can prick your fingers, so it is suggested that protective gear be worn when handling this plant. Each tree is unique and grows differently. The foliage often grows into an irregular oval shape, with tops and shoots growing out in odd directions.During the dry season the tree is covered with tiny yellow beige flowers, giving the tree the look of a pale brown sugar frosting. Watering the black olive on a daily basis helps maintain it beauty and health. The Black Olive is a resilient plants that can withstand most weather conditions, it can be placed indoors or outdoors in order to enhance the beauty of the surroundings.
This is a hardy plant that require fertilizing only three times a year.


  1. I wish it was big enough to sit under.

  2. I am trying to maintain a height of about 10 feet for my olive.

  3. This would be a nice plant for landscaping.

  4. Yes, I totally agree, Black olive trees make great landscapes.
