Sunday 28 June 2015

The Key Lime Plant

Did you know that the Key Lime plant can be grown out of a plant pot and grow fruits? Mexican Key Lime (Citrus auranlifolia), also known as Key Lime, bartender's lime and West Indians Lime is a moderately sized evergreen fruit tree. It grows vigorously once you plant it in the ground, reaching heights of six to thirteen feet tall. Mexican Key Lime trees have fragrant flowers with deep green leaves and yellow-green limes, which are the size of a golf ball\s.
Mexican key limes are the preferred fruit used by bartenders and pie bakers around the world, Key Lime trees are sensitive to cold temperatures. They thrive best in direct sunlight and can be grown in a variety of soils as long as it is well drained. When growing Key Lime trees, water them deeply and slowly so the moisture reaches deep into the soil. The Mexican Key Lime tree can be fertilized with a slow-release fertilizer that is high in nitrogen. For more information please visit the facebook page.


  1. I have always known lime trees to be hugh, and they normally grow wide, so seeing a lime tree grow from a plant pot with limes is pretty amazing

  2. Limes make a delicious and highly nutritious
    beverage. They are a very good source of vitamin C.

    1. That is true of limes. At certain times during the year, especially the season that is full of events, limes tend to pretty expensive.

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